You can send us a request to delete your personal data from our records. To do this, please
your valid email address. To verify your request, we will send an email to the specified email address. Then
the instructions from the email
if you want to send a request to delete data to our partners, instead of or together with a
to delete data from iFunny, then use the link
Please note that the following actions will be performed during the execution of the request:
All personal data will be deleted
Your entire history of using the service will be deleted
And if you are a registered user:
All information in your profile will be erased
Login data will be deleted, as well as any login data from connected social networks and email logins
Your account will be blocked and deleted
After the request processing is complete, it will be impossible to login into the account again.
Please confirm you understand and agree with these terms before we start the process of deleting your account.
Your request has been sent
In order for us to start working on your request, you need to confirm your email address. Please
check the
for further guidance. If there was a mistake in your email address please resubmit your request with the correct